Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles (Erfi 2 - GGP 2020)
The Étude des relations familiales et intergénérationnelles (Erfi) survey is part of the international Generations and Gender Programme (GGP). Launched at the initiative of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in the early 2000s, this project has already carried out a first cycle of surveys in some twenty countries, including France (see the website of the first Erfi survey).
A second cycle of surveys, GGP 2020, is underway in many countries. France is participating with the Erfi 2 survey, for which I am responsible with Laurent Toulemon.
“Research Personnel and Climate Change” Survey
This survey was conducted in 2020 within the framework of Labos 1point5, which is a collective of members from the academic world, from all disciplines and throughout the territory, sharing a common objective: to better understand and reduce the impact of scientific research activities on the environment, particularly on climate. The survey aims to measure practices with a high carbon footprint, to explore solutions to reduce them and their acceptability, and to collect staff perceptions of environmental issues. A questionnaire was sent to a nationally representative sample of research staff, and more than 6000 answers were collected.
Renovation of the socio-professional categories (PCS 2020)
In 2018 and 2019, a working group of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS) conducted a renovation of the Professions et catégories socioprofessionnelles (PCS) classification, referred to as PCS 2020. This work has resulted in several new features:
- an improved coding based on lists of detailed occupational titles
- a redefinition of occupations at the fine-grained level
- new classifications: job classes and subclasses, household PCS
- ad-hoc groupings of occupational titles: top-level executives and professionals ("elite PCS"), teachers, digital professions, green professions
These variables are being progressively made available in official statistics surveys, starting with the 2021 Labour Force Survey.
European Socio-economic Groups (ESeG)
The ESeG classification (European Socio-economic Groups) is the result of a work conducted by Insee at Eurostat’s request from 2011 to 2014. This nomenclature was developed by statisticians from France, Hungary, Italy and the Czech Republic, based on work carried out since the 1990s. Indeed, the ESEC proposal (European Socio-economic Classification) and the discussions it gave rise to were taken into account. Many researchers participated and greatly helped building this new tool, which contributes to the harmonization of European social statistics and their measuring tools. The aim is to better measure and compare social phenomena and trends across Europe using harmonized categories of social stratification.
Illustrative studies and tests: description of project and groups (Monique Meron), employment (Michel Amar, François Gleizes & Monique Meron), housing (Fanny Bugeja-Bloch), income poverty and material deprivation (Michel Amar & François Gleizes), homogamy (Milan Bouchet-Valat), living conditions (Frédéric Lebaron), working conditions (Charline Babet), and applications to Finland (Aila Äyväri), Hungary (Márta Záhonyi & Ákos Huszár), Slovakia (Ľudmila Ivančíková & Róbert Vlačuha) and Spain (Miguel Ángel García-Martínez).
All 16 studies by the working group : employment qualification (Francesca Gallo), public/private sectors (Cédric Hugrée, Étienne Penissat & Alexis Spire), gender (Thomas Amossé & Monique Meron), employment characteristics (Thomas Denoyelle), employment characteristics and living conditions (Michel Amar & François Gleizes), education, social mobility and cultural participation (Jiří Šafr), earnings (Dalibor Holý & Jitka Erhartová), education, working and employment conditions (Marta Zahonyi & Ákos Huszár), working conditions (Charline Babet), homogamy (Milan Bouchet-Valat), housing (Fanny Bugeja-Bloch), living conditions (Frédéric Lebaron), intergenerational transmission of disadvantage (Louis-André Vallet), overview (Michel Amar, François Gleizes & Monique Meron).
Technical appendix, including SAS code to compute ESeG in EU-LFS and EU-SILC surveys
Level 1 (aggregated) :
- Managers
- Professionals
- Technicians and associated professionals employees
- Small entrepreneurs (self-employed)
- Clerks and skilled service employees
- Industrial skilled employees
- Less skilled employees
See the final report (p. 4) for details about level 2 (30 categories for the active).